Picture framing - Photos to posters - A1 A2 A3 A4 - Panoramic

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Uploading photos

Our website makes it easy to upload and crop your pictures

Our website will normally upload up to 200Mb photo files or even larger. However, occasionally files will have difficulty uploading due to internet speeds. We can accept jpg, jpeg or png files through the website.

If you are having trouble uploading your photo file through our website, or your photo is in tiff (or any other format) please use WETRANSFER, a free file transfer website, to send us your image. They send us a link and we can then download your file.
Alternatively, we are happy for you to email us a link from a DROPBOX account or any method you prefer.

Free File Transfer: wetransfer.com

Simply email us with your requirements: Size & Paper Type. We will process your order manually and email you a payPal invoice (credit/debit cards accepted) or you can pay via BACS (bank transfer).
upload photos
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